You can scroll down for The Flash images & info.
Warner Bros. is great at media control. They and their subsid DC try to ensure that all of the news printed by comics websites and Access Hollywood and the like is ALL positive.
However, as we've learned, when your big mid-Spring-because-we-didn't-want-to-chance-a-summer-release superhero movie is given, on a scale from 1 to 100, an average of "shit stain," you better rally the troops.
Z!TV has confirmed that, for WB, those WB troops include folks who Tweet and comment on fan boards for them, people who are hired simply to try and turn the negative tide.
So if you were to visit, say, (don't Google it -- we made it up [but it's ours! Don't steal it!]), and you wanted to see the awesome trailer review for Batman v. OJ Simpson (gosh, they both stab people now, it's so hard to say who'd win), you might read the article, then scroll down to the comments.
Amidst those comments, right after Grif posts "Awful!" and Blackfist posts "FIRST!," you might see a post which reads as follows:
And, yeah, that person just might've posted over 1,000 times in two weeks.
Which means you've found a WB hired gun.
And before you assume I'm just a cynical Archie Comics fan, disappointed that there hasn't yet been a "Life with Kevin" porn parody, understand: There aren't any Archie Comics fans.
But let's put all of that aside. We've a new movie to whine about before seeing even one frame, a new try at the whole DC Superhero franchise thing. Yes, Justice League is on its way! And a small film production company, Film House, located in upstate N.Y. (with offices in L.A.), may have posted on its site the first image of The Flash. This image is found under the section Portfolio > Films.
On the site, the photo is titled "FLASH" and captioned simply "currently in production."
FilmHouse has not responded to inquiries regarding the below image. So, you know, this could all just be bunk. But outsourcing costume design, especially one which may need a variety of SFX, isn't unusual.
However, since this is a humor blog, I'm not one to feel that a picture says a thousand words. So I've decided to let the word balloons do that. Enjoy. And thanks for reading...
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