Tuesday, September 9, 2014

SHOCKER: NFL AOK With People Getting KO’d…(Until Enough Folks Call ’Em On It)

The NFL, known the world over for its altruistic support of artists who need to express themselves through sport, is surprisingly AOK with people getting hit.

Well, you know, until putting some PR spin on the situation is called for.

Most recently, video surfaced — thanks to investigative journalistic juggernaut and bastion of Fourth Estate integrity TMZ (which would never lower itself to paying for information but, rather, gets it the old-fashioned way: threats) — wherein NFL football running back Ray Rice is seen violently attacking his wife. But, hey, here's an important fact the news organizations keep harping on: She was really just his fiancée at the time. If you're wondering what the relevance is of this teensy bit of info — like, what, did the beating hurt less because they weren't yet married? — it's really quite simple: Tossing in as much sensationalistic detail as inhumanly possible is what helps keep things deliciously salacious. They want you to tune in for more.

Anyhoo, back to that guy who we hope has CTE: The video is the second such attack video featuring NFL player Rice. In a previous security video, also released by TMZ, Rice is seen dragging his unconscious wife out of the elevator which, as we now know, is where the altercation began.

Z!TV has not posted either the elevator video nor the “aftermath” video, because your local and national news organizations are too busy using them to get you to watch whatever “further coverage” of the story they can wring out. As such, both videos were checked out of the library, and we couldn’t get a copy.

In this most-recent video of Rice — apparently a man only on the outside — that polyp on the anal gland of the NFL is seen punching his wife twice in the elevator; she then falls to the floor unconscious.

People have expressed disgust via Twitter, with celebrities weighing in:

[NOTE TO HTML CODER: Insert inane opinion #1 from a dumb celebrity here]

[NOTE TO HTML CODER: Insert even more inane opinion #2 from a stupider celebrity here]

After the initial “dragging” video surfaced, the NFL suspended Rice for two games. A much-maligned punishment which clearly demonstrated the many problems of having old men sit in a room and make decisions about the rules by which a bunch of young men who smack the shit out each other for a living must live by.

The NFL commissioner, Roger Something, apologized after public outcry, stating, “We were really just looking out for our bottom line. We didn’t realize it could cost us even more in bad PR.”

The NFL thus made changes in their “Beating Up Your Spouses” rules — namely, it’s still OK to do it, but the NFL’s going to really, really punish their players for it, because lots of people will probably hear about it. So they might even be out for a full season (or less).

Yet, while that half-assed mea culpa was released via a press conference, there was no additional punishment put in place for Rice. However, once the new violent video within the elevator surfaced, the NFL commissioner said, “Oh, we didn’t know he fucking hit her! Yeah, we just thought maybe she fainted at the site of his incredibly tiny penis. Or, like, ate a bag of party snack mix and had a bad reaction to some peanuts in it. And, well, while dragging your wife out of an elevator isn’t exactly the Heimlich maneuver, we couldn’t really know for sure that something bad went down. I mean, seriously. How could we know he did anything quite so repugnant? He makes a living playing a running back, the only position in the game of football which requires absolutely no pummeling of fellow human beings at all.”

His pants on fire and nose grown to two meters in length, the commish then turned his attention to negotiating acceptable hush-money amounts for the concussion lawsuit litigants — all 4,000 of them — a case which is still pending.

The commish then blew Tom Brady, part of an agreement reached with the New England Patriots quarterback who on a recent CNBC appearance encouraged parents to have their kids play football, because the likelihood of real brain injury is low. Said Brady, “Concussions are just a part of the toad plant burger jolly Fahrvergnügen. Belly.”

TMZ and NFL logos belong to their respective
companies and are used for parody purposes.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Scientists, L.A. Courts Discover New Lowest Lifeform on Earth: CeeLo Green

*Warning: This Post Contains Naughty Words!*

CeeLo Green, possibly best known as the tiny assistant to Mr. Roarke on 1970s hit “Fantasy Island,” seems to have decided rape is AOK, admitted to doing it, and even adding that rape’s not always rape, saying via Twitter:
“If someone is passed out they’re not even WITH you consciously, so WITH Implies consent.”


His Tweet has been seen thousands of times thanks to one Twitter user posting the above image of CeeLo’s Twitter feed, which was soon picked up by news outlets nationally.
Z!TV has called in a grammarian from the U.K. Etymological Institute of Phonetic Alphabetic Grammar and Preposterous Phraseology, ready to parse out CeeLo’s words to prove our point. The grammarian representative studied CeeLo’s Twitter messages, researched his background—including details of his so-called singing career—and, after much internal discourse, came to the following conclusion:
“CeeLo’s an asshole.”
Further study was then conducted independently by Z!TV; we uncovered that the Tweet essentially implies or states four things:


1. Someone was passed out with CeeLo (see the details of his recent court case).

2. CeeLo states if one is “passed out” and with you, it means they’re not conscious of being with you.

3. So, OK, if “with” implies consent, then her unconscious state—per CeeLo’s own definition—means she gave no consent.

4. Hence, he admitted to raping her, even after arguing w/Twitter users that there is no “plausible proof.” What a guy.

According to Newsweek, CeeLo removed his Tweet, and the one which followed, where he stated, “People who have really been raped REMEMBER!!!” As we know, removing the Tweet admonishes you in the eyes of CeeLo’s god, whom he references frequently.
Said God, “Fuck that doucheburger. He better watch it now.”
Other deleted Tweets by CeeLo include:


“I didnt blow the 12 men who said I did, b/c none of them were conscious when I did it.”  --@CeeLoGreen

“Nobody else gets it: When U have T-rex arms, its SO difficult to masturbate. #BackScratchersHurt”

“Im wider than I am tall. So it AOK I drug an rape women!!! RT cuz im coolest. #TVStarsDontDoJailTime”

“Backstsage at #TheVoice, having consensual sex with lil boys. I make sure theyre unconscious, so itz kool. #LuvGod”
“Midget hooker I paid got down on her knees and looked me right in the eyes to tell me im despicable #Soshort”

“Pop-Tarts are not self-aware so i can eat em all day and still be in great shape #ShapedLikeaHippetyHop” [Link to arcane reference here.] 

“@JohnStamos – Y U WONT STAY OUT OF MY DREAMS?! Want to do it ‘consensually’?”

“only just found out doin’ it doggystyle dont mean I need to have a doggy. But cant get this Lhasa Apso off mah ass. @CesarMilan #DogSlippedMeSomethin” 

“Feel bad for @JustinBeiber, way he always disgracing his family/mother. #iGiveMyMomE”

“i aint fat…just explained to Doc, all pork i eat is unconscious when i eat it, so its not able to make you fat.” --@CeeLoGreen

“Pls remember, we all make mistakes an we all just human…some of us just more rapey humans than others.”

CeeLo has since left Twitter. His fans are standing behind him—like, way, way behind him. Some have even started a fund: SendCeeLoIntoOuterSpace.org.

Note: The above is satire. Celebrity tweets are 100% fake…
but the first 2 quotes from CeeLo, per Newsweek and Twitter, are REAL.