Monday, April 27, 2015

The Facts of Bruce Jenner's Life

She is Bruce Jenner — hear her roar!

A lot of people have made jokes at Bruce Jenner's expense. And, according to the Diane Sawyer piece, they made these jokes because Bruce Jenner was transitioning into a woman. 

However, what Sawyer's recent exclusive ABC interview neglected to point out was that everyoneincluding your late-night talk show hosts — was under the impression that Jenner was just becoming a weird old dude. 

Nobody actually realized he (now she) was transitioning until the word got out about the Adam's apple surgery Jenner had (that is, he had that Adam's apple turned into an Eve's orange...or something).

So while the world may have been unfair to Jenner, 20/20 was unfair to the comedians who had no idea what it was exactly that was going on with him.

And now that we do, I find it interesting that Diane Sawyer had to explain to everybody what a transgender person even is in 2015, half a century after Christine Jorgensen, decades since Bond girl and Playboy model Tula Cossey, several years after the Chazzy and Cher story, many months after Laverne Cox in Orange is the New Black, and a about a week since I discovered the T4M section on Craig’s List.

I’m kidding of course.

The T4M section for me is like Norm walking into Cheers. Shame all the paid escorts have ruined it. (Cheers I mean. Have you been?) I remember the days when you and a hot trans gal could just go back to your place and do each other doggy style until the sun came up.

Ah, but I digress...

As I was starting to say, the big question for me is why did Diane Sawyer hold everybody’s hand through this news story about Bruce Jenner and his soon-to-emerge alter ego? 

Was it because it was manly athlete Bruce Jenner?

Was she trying to elicit more empathy for him in his new life choices?

Or did she and the 20/20 producers just assume the public is too dumb to get it?

Well, I’d have to bet on the latter. As Ms. Sawyer herself asked, utterly confused, “So, do you like girls?...” Bruce explained that he does.

I had to wonder, how come no one ever asked this question of “Jo” on The Facts of Life?

Actually, how come no one ever asked this of Natalie on The Facts of Life?

And how come no one ever asked this of Blair on The Facts of Life?

Come to think of it, how come no one ever asked this of all the temporary, recurring, and replacement characters on The Facts of Life?

Wow. There were a lot of butch girls on The Facts of Life.


The only thing I find strange about Bruce Jenner is how much he seemed to act like Kim (Kardashian, not Fields). And am I the only one who noticed how catty he was commenting about others? On the subject of his Russian competitor (whom he beat) growing quite fat since the Olympics, Jenner stated “I won that battle too!”

In sum, Bruce Jenner seems like a really nice guy. But the lady he’s to become is gonna be one mean bitch.

I would have to assume Mrs. Garrett would be so proud!

Images used for parody purposes & belong to their respective rights holders.

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